3 sections complete

Between traveling the last few weeks for work and a heavy cold I've not been posting much, or had a huge amount of time for stitching, but I have been making progress in small chunks. I also lost some progress pictures as my phone was stolen.

Below is the full First Sip (not in hoop so slightly crumpled) so far.
Overall Progress

Here is the finished second section.

Note the woven pattern on the lower leaf is the same as the tips of the petals from section 1, but with the order of the colours switched to produce a different pattern. I'm also rather fond of the blanket stitch around the top of the flower and the right hand leaf - it's padded and the gaps are filled with a complimentary satin thread to add sheen.

And here is the third flower:
Flower no 3
No major new stitches in this small section, but repeats of previous. Getting a better hang of the old needleweaving - this is the same stitch as before but in a different pattern.

Next up are some of the smaller elements, but with a different set of stitches.
